WEND MOUSEEXIT VIDEOMODESET VMODE END 86 MOUSECURSORDEFAULT PROTOTYPE SUB MOUSECURSORDEFAULT () INPUT no input parameters OUTPUT no value returned USAGE MOUSECURSORDEFAULT defines the mouse cursor to be a small ,K$ѰXQ)崔ĴT,ԪX9\9U`94ad9UTah9tal9Uap9ԴatPTx0೏Uൗඛ෣p⸭ sKb<$݉   I1 E $Y풉 (m , 0$ I 풉 4 ! $5 I ] 8q @5+Ӑ$@ #@ $ #@4,p&e_Q4 Q @;_Q@e@mp!aO`PT8!$"qPCҰeT" '1' THEN BEGIN WriteLn('Sorry !'); WriteLn('This demo wasn''t written for more as 256 colors !'); WriteLn('You would only get a limited impression of the Hi-& TrueColor modes...'); WriteLn('Switching to 256 colors.'); choice1 := '1'; END; UNTIL choice1 IN ['1'..'4','q']; IF choice1 = 'q' THEN Halt; WriteLn; WriteLn; WriteLn('a. 320x200'); WriteLn('b. 640x480'); WriteLn('c. 800x600'); WriteLn('d. 1024x768'); WriteLn('e. 1280x1024'); WriteLn('Q uit'); WriteLn; Write('Your choice: '); REPEAT ReadLn(choice2); UNTIL choice2 IN ['a'..'e','q']; IF choice2 = 'q' THEN Halt; CASE choice2 OF 'a' : BEGIN xsize := 320; ysize := 200; END; 'b' : BEGIN xsize := 640; ysize := 480; END; 'c' : BEGIN xsize := 800; ysize := 600; END; 'd' : BEGIN xsize := 1024; ysize := 768; END; 'e' : BEGIN xsize := 1280; ysize := 1024; END; END; CASE choice1 OF '1' : mode := FindVesaMode(xsize,ysize,8); '2' : mode := FindVesaMode(xsize,ysize,15); '3' : mode := FindVesaMode(xsize,ysize,16); '4' : mode := FindVesaMode(xsize,ysize,24); END; IF mode = 0 THEN BEGIN WriteLn('No such mode could be found !'); WriteLn('Switching to to 320x200.'); ReadKey; mode := V320x200x256; END; END; begin { program body } SelectMode; Initialize; ReportStatus; { AspectRatioPlay; } FillEllipsePlay; SectorPlay; WriteModePlay; ColorPlay; { PalettePlay only intended to work on these drivers: } if (GraphDriver = EGA) or (GraphDriver = EGA64) or (GraphDriver = VGA) then PalettePlay; PutPixelPlay; { PutImagePlay; } RandBarPlay; BarPlay; Bar3DPlay; ArcPlay; CirclePlay; PiePlay; LineToPlay; LineRelPlay; { LineStylePlay; } { UserLineStylePlay; } TextDump; TextPlay; CrtModePlay; FillStylePlay; FillPatternPlay; PolyPlay; SayGoodbye; { CloseGraph; } CloseVesa; end. *************************************************** '* SHOW D2ROTATE (ABOUT THE ORIGIN) '****************************************************************c*#^v/:j0t+l""g?%H׫׽èU'թV? ujOEZ1! 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